3.5.7 Forty-foot drop. The signal shall withstand a 40-foot drop without burning, exploding, or
becoming unsafe to handle. The signal shall not malfunction in a hazardous manner when fired
or handled following this drop (see 6.5).
3.5.8 Altitude. The signal shall function as specified in 3.5.1 after exposure to atmospheric
pressure at an altitude of 50,000 feet for 5 minutes.
3.5.9 Water immersion. The signal shall function as specified in 3.5.1 after being immersed in
water for 3 hours.
3.5.10 Firing pin force (launcher). The firing pin force of the launcher shall be sufficient so that
the launcher will initiate the signal primer. The firing pin force shall be a minimum of 6 pounds.
Item identification. Each signal, launcher, and bandoleer shall be marked for
identification (see 6.2). Minimum marking requirements defined in the Technical Data Package.
Interchangeability. All parts having the same Part Number (P/N) within the same lot
shall be functionally and dimensionally interchangeable.
Environmental requirements.
3.8.1 Temperature and humidity. The signal shall function as specified in and
after being subjected to high and low temperature variations (-65 to +160°F) for a period of 14
days with at least 95 percent relative humidity. Low temperature. The launcher shall fire and the signal shall function as specified in
3.5.1, except for the display burn time and apogee altitude as listed in table I, after the signals
and launcher have been conditioned to -65 ±5°F for 5 hours and immediately fired. High temperature. The launcher shall fire and the signals shall function as specified in
3.5.1, except for the display burn time and apogee altitude as listed in table I, after the signals
and launcher have been conditioned to 160 ±5°F for 5 hours and immediately fired.
3.8.2 Salt spray (launcher). The launcher shall fire a minimum of 7 signals without requiring
maintenance after being exposed to a 5 percent salt concentration of salt spray for a minimum of
50 hours. Wiping off visible salt residue with a cloth in the collet area is allowable.
Storage. Extreme high temperature storage. The signal shall withstand storage at a temperature of
200 ±5°F for a 14-day period without burning, exploding, or becoming unsafe to handle. The
signal shall not malfunction in a hazardous manner when function tested at ambient temperature
(see 6.5) following this storage. Note: Not required to meet requirements of 3.5.1 following this
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business